This beauty queen is estimated to be an 11 month, 60lb pit mix. She found herself in a shallow grave waiting for the end after being shot in the country. After some incredible teamwork, she made it to the vet FOUR DAYS later and shocked everyone — 1 bullet, 2 entries, 2 exits, and not a single major artery, organ, muscle, or bone impacted. Our miracle Mirabelle!
She’s a happy girl who is so excited to be alive. She loves toys, bones, cozy beds, head pats, full body hugs, yards to run in, snacks, dog friends, car rides, you name it! She is good on outings and enjoys sticking close to her person. She can be nervous around new people or in new situations and takes a while to fully loosen up and enjoy her new surroundings. Patience and maybe a walk with new fur friends are helpful to relaxing her.
Mirabelle is a puppy who spent her life till now as an outdoor dog so she’s excitedly learning about life as an indoor dog. She is already spayed and crate trained!
Mirabelle is healing up wonderfully and is searching for home …could you love her forever?