Hayes is a 1yr, 68lb German Shepherd/Poodle mix. This precious boy is a gentle giant who loved his first year of life entirely outdoors. While he still loves his time in the sunshine (or rain!), he’s more than accepting of the comforts of indoor life. Hayes is good with other dogs and would likely be good with cats or livestock as well. He is wonderful with kids of all ages and truly loves nothing more than being with his person — like, right by his person. Hayes is a bit shy due to the newness of everything but has been extremely well behaved in the house, in his kennel, overnight, and even warmed up and did very well at Lowe’s! This beautiful baby would love a patient home understanding of him needing a little extra time to figure out what’s being asked of him, or to understand that things are safe. It won’t take long — Hayes will learn quickly to love and trust you with his whole heart.