I'm ready for my new family!

Hi! My Name Is Theodore

I'm Available

You may remember this face from his very popular euthanasia listing at the shelter…a video of sweet Theodore, a pile of wrinkles on the floor of his small kennel, and a small puppy happily climbing all over Theodore’s head. That video was all we needed to save him from death and we are SO thankful we did and we know his forever family will be as well.

Theodore is estimated to be anywhere from 7-9 years old. He’s a big, deaf boy who loves napping, physical affection, snacks, and chasing balls. Most of his days are spent snoozing, tongue out! Since he is deaf, he’s pretty unbothered by most things and is the chillest guest! Theodore really enjoys the company of other animals but it is important to note that, similar to most sensory-deprived animals, he misses some cues from others and is more sensitive in ways, and can find himself in misunderstandings every once in a while — supervision and mindfulness are all you need! He is missing some teeth and others are worn down but he will hippo monch on any treat you give him — he will go anywhere for treats! This is the trick to getting him into the bathtub, the car, etc. His kennel is truly his safe space. He will walk himself in there if you just motion and it’s important to him to have that space just for himself. He will definitely let you know when he’s ready to share your space! 

Theodore had 2 mast cell tumors removed from his side/leg. While recurrence of these histamine-activated masses is likely, Theodore takes Benadryl for allergies which can also help prevent growths!

Theodore has so much life and love in him and he deserves the perfect soft spot to land. There honestly isn’t a way to express how much you will love Theodore — you’ve got to meet him!

Our Rescue is 100% donation based all the way to adoption. We do not have set adoption fees, but we do require a donation to be made at the time of adoption. Donations go towards saving other animals and preparing them for their new lives in their new homes!

  • Mastiff & Mix
  • Male
  • 9 Years OldMy DoB is 06/14/2015 (Estimated)
  • 81 - 90 Pounds
  • Grey & White
  • Gentle and Friendly
  • I Like All Kids
  • I Like All Dogs
  • I Like All Cats
  • Not Tested With Small Animals
  • I Have Not Been Tested with Farm Animals
  • I'm Trained
Special Needs (Medical)
Deaf or Hearing Impaired
Apply To Adopt Theodore
DONATE NOW       Help us take care of Theodore

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